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Monday, May 11, 2015

TRUNEWS Radio Broadcast 5/11/15: Aaron & Melissa Klein and Herb Titus

TRUNEWS Radio Broadcast 5/11/15: Aaron & Melissa Klein and Herb Titus
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Aaron & Melissa Klein and Herb Titus

What's up with Raul Castro's pledge to go to church?  Is it a genuine conviction of his soul, or is liberation theology being re-introduced by the Marxists?  Aaron Klein,  co-owner of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, talks to Rick about Oregon's prosecution of his small bakery over a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.  Later in the program, constitutional law expert Dr. Herb Titus tells Rick what is at stake in the upcoming Supreme Court decision about same sex marriage.



Aaron Klein is the husband of Melissa, the two Christian bakers from Oregon who were ordered to pay "damages" to the lesbian couple they turned away in 2013.

In January 2013, Aaron Klein was approached by a mother and her daughter as the two were interested in a cake for the daughter's upcoming wedding—to her lesbian partner.

"My first question was what's the wedding date," Klein told television station KTW in Portland. "My next question was [the] bride and groom's name. … The girl giggled a little bit and said, 'It's two brides.'"

He then informed the women that the bakery does not make cakes for homosexual events.

"I apologized for wasting their time and said that, unfortunately, we do not do same-sex marriages," Klein explained.

The women left Sweet Cakes upset about the incident, and later, one of them filed a complaint with the state. The Oregon attorney general's office soon launched an investigation against the Klein's as the state's non-discrimination laws prevent public accommodations from being denied to any individual on the basis of "race, color, religion, sex or sexual orientation."

But Klein states that he regularly serves homosexuals. He believes that there is a difference between serving homosexuals in general and having to personally facilitate same-sex ceremonies, which is an act of participation.

"I have customers come in almost on a weekly basis that are homosexual," he said. "They can buy my stuff. I sell stuff. I talk with them. That's fine. … This was not the first time we've served these girls."

"We were being asked to participate in something that we could not participate in," Klein's wife, Melissa, noted.

Some Christians believe that being a part of a same-sex event violates the biblical command in 1 Timothy 5:22 not to be "partakers in other men's sins," as well as the command in Ephesians 5:7, "Be not ye therefore partakers with them."


 Herbert W. Titus is of counsel to the law firm of William J. Olson, P.C.  The law firm's website is  On that web site are numerous courtroom briefs and popular articles that Dr. Titus has co-authored with members of the firm.  Prior to his association with this firm, Mr. Titus taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for nearly thirty years at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools.

In 1993, he capped his academic career, having served since 1986 as the founding Dean of the College of Law and Government in Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Prior to his academic career, he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri. Today he is engaged in a general practice with a concentration in constitutional strategy, litigation, and appeals.

Dr. Titus holds the J.D. degree (cum laude) from Harvard and the B.S. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He is an active member of the bar of Virginia and an inactive member of the bar of Oregon. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, the Army Court of Criminal Appeals, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia, and to state courts in Idaho, North Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.

Throughout his academic and practice careers, Dr. Titus has lectured and written on a variety of topics in the fields of constitutional law and common law.   He has written numerous articles, book chapters and constitutional studies and analyses. He is the author of God, Man & Law: The Biblical Principle, a widely-acclaimed text on American common law.


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Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick's faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TRUNEWS into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. Rick's professional career was in media marketing and advertising sales. Throughout his early years, God's hand silently guided him to be in employed in the latest new media. While in his early 20's, Rick's first media job was with a new FM radio station in the days when AM was still king.
In 1980, he blazed a path as a pioneer in local cable television advertising when CNN and ESPN were new start-up channels on cable TV.  As a sales manager, he launched one of the first cable advertising interconnects in the nation.  He was hired in 1984 by the Christian Broadcasting Network as the first National Cable Marketing Manager for the new CBN Cable Network which later became the Family Channel.  In 1995, Paul F. Crouch hired Rick as the Marketing Director for Trinity Broadcasting Network where Rick repositioned the TBN brand inside the cable industry – and played an important role in negotiating the early contracts to launch TBN on DirecTV, DISH, and the former PrimeStar DBS systems.  Rick resigned from TBN in September 1998 after receiving a dramatic call from God to fulltime ministry.

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