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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Watchman News Obama administration’s mismanagement led to Obamacare rollout fiasco, probe concludes Read more:

A non-partisan congressional investigation has concluded management failures by the Obama administration set the stage for the computer woes that paralyzed the rollout of President Barack Obama’s health-care program last year.

The findings are in a report to be released Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, which has spent months investigating the chaotic rollout of Mr. Obama’s signature program and its website.

Republicans have hammered at the president over the Affordable Health Act, also known as “Obamacare,” hope to capitalize on its problems in the November congressional elections.

The new law is intended to extend insurance coverage to millions of Americans who had lacked it. Republicans have long opposed it particularly its requirement for Americans to carry insurance or face penalties.

Mr. Obama has already survived the worst fallout from the bungled launch, so the report is unlikely to create major political problems for the White House and Democrats generally. But it does shine light on what went on behind the scenes even as administration officials gave the impression signing for health care would be simple, like shopping online.

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