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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

TRUNEWS Daily Bulletin 5*25*16

TRUNEWS Daily Update
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DAILY BULLETIN for May 25, 2016

On today's edition of TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles, has the Medical Industrial Complex in America transformed into an industry of death? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles speaks with the President of Hospice Patients Alliance Ron Panzer to document the grizzling extent of stealth euthanasia across hospices throughout the nation. In part 2, Edward and Doc will discuss Comrade Clinton's email audit, Deutsche Bank's derivative detonation, and Obama's Shinto worship in Japan.    LISTEN NOW

 On the Wednesday morning edition of The Glenn Beck Program the host and guest commentator Brad Thor discussed a despotic fantasy of ways to remove Donald Trump if elected.One of these ways appears to consider the possibility of a lone patriot assassination. TRUNEWS

 This week marks the start of the 18th year of ministry for TRUNEWS.  Rick and Susan Wiles present an anniversary thank you to friends and supporters for their faithful prayer support. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE

 TEXAS PUSHES BACK-The state of Texas has filed a lawsuit to stop the Obama administration's transgender bathroom directive. Gov. Greg Abbott made the filing public in a Twitter message Wednesday.  Nine other states have joined the suit, including Alabama, Louisiana, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Utah, Georgia, the Arizona Department of Education and Maine's Governor, Paul LePage. TRUNEWS

 HILLARY'S TROUBLES-The State Department's Inspector General is now saying Hillary Clinton broke the rules by using a private email server. When Secretary of State she did not have permission from security officials to conduct official business bypassing the official government issued email and server. TRUNEWS

 BAT INVASION - The resort town of New South Wales, Australia has been bombarded with thousands of bats, trapping residents. But the government has been slow to respond. Swarms of them set up shop a few years ago, but the population has now tripled in the past few years. TRUNEWS

 16th CENTURY IPHONE?-During a public forum discussion at the Start-up Fest in Amsterdam, Apple CEO Tim Cook told European Commissioner Neelie Kroes that a 16th Century Dutch painter may have first conceived the iPhone.TRUNEWS

 KEN STARR OUT,THEN IN?-Baylor University has publicly denied reports that Kenneth Starr has been fired as President of the world's largest Baptist college. Chip Brown of Scout's reported Tuesday that sources close to Baylor's board of regents had told him that Ken Starr was being removed as president. His sources told him that Starr had come to a meeting with the board "lawyered up" and that they had offered him a leadership position in Baylor's law school. TRUNEWS

 SAUDIS BLAME US FOR 9/11-Al-Hayat daily published an article written by Saudi legal expert Katib al-Shammari claiming the U.S. planned the 9/11 attacks to kickstart the global war on terror. As part of a long-standing U.S. policy he dubbed "victory by means of archives", Al-Shammari claims the U.S. government  strategically holds information and action plans as bargaining chips to leverage powers in the Middle East. TRUNEWS

 FANCE'S JIHADIST FRIENDS-The parents of two victims who died in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks wrote a letter to French President Francois Hollande, notifying him they will no longer pay taxes and by extension fund the president's "jihadist friends." TRUNEWS

 OBAMA JAPAN TOUR-Members of the EU have begun arriving in Japan for the G7 summit.  Commission President Jean-Claude Junker will join the Group of Seven leaders from the U.S., U.K. Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy and France to discuss the global economy. They are expected to try and come up with a plan to spur growth. TRUNEWS

 TRANSGENDER SUIT-The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued a private business for sex discrimination and harassment after a male employee — who announced he was switching genders to become a woman — was barred from using the women's restroom and was referred to with male pronouns by his coworkers. TRUNEWS

 BIBI MAKES A DEAL-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clinched a coalition deal on Wednesday that will make far-right opposition legislator Avigdor Lieberman defense minister and broaden a razor-thin governing majority in parliament, officials said. TRUNEWS

 TRUMP PROTESTORS VIOLENT-Protesters threw rocks and bottles at police officers who responded with pepper spray outside a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Quote of the Day

 "Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can." -- John Wesley


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