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Friday, May 27, 2016

TRUNEWS Daily Bulletin 5*27*16

TRUNEWS Daily Bulletin
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Does the public know that six powerful corporations now control the media? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles will slam the  filth that these soul-robbing barons willfully promote; and call for the outright repudiation of American Protestant leaders who have compromised to this satanic apostasy. Rick will also address Obama's visit with Shintoism, Yellen's 'probable' rate hike, and why Britain must defy the EU. LISTEN NOW
Starting the eighteenth year of ministry, TRUNEWS host Rick Wiles reflects on the past, and offers listeners, viewers and faithful supporters a glimpse into the struggles of the previous years, and renewed vision and purpose for the future. WATCH THE VIDEO
Trump Wants To Reverse Obama's Climate Change Agenda

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, promised on to roll back some of America's most ambitious environmental policies, actions that he said would revive the ailing U.S. oil and coal industries and bolster national security

North Korea Threatens The South After Maritime Incident

North Korea threatened retaliation on Friday after South Korea fired what it said were warning shots when a patrol boat and fishing boat from the North crossed the disputed sea border off the west coast of the Korean peninsula.

Attorney For Planned Parenthood Admits To Collusion In Undercover Video Scandal

An attorney for Planned Parenthood has admitted to pressuring the Harris County District Attorney's office in Texas into investigating journalists who took undercover videos of the abortion provider negotiating the sale of baby body parts.

Obama's Post-Presidential Palace Within Ears Length Of Radical D.C. Mosque

President Obama has announced that at the end of his presidency he and the First Lady will lease a $6.2-million palace located only minutes from The Islamic Center Of Washington DC.

ISIS Woman Warning Of Impending Terror Attacks In London

A jihadi bride named Sally Jones claims there will be violence in London, Glasgow and in underground subway. She is a top ISIS recruiter now living in Iraq with her son who was born in Britain.

'Mourn The Dead,' But No Apology: Obama Visits Hiroshima

Barack Obama has become the first sitting US president to visit the memorial of the American atomic bombings of Japan in Hiroshima – but offered no apology for the attacks. 

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Sometimes your medicine bottle has on it, "Shake well before using." That is what God has to do with some of His people. He has to shake them well before they are ever usable. - Vance Havner

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