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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Watchman News Iceland volcano: Magma moving towards new volcanic system

The magma from Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano could be moving towards another large volcanic system.

Data recorded by a team from the University of Cambridge suggests that 50 million cubic meters of molten rock has moved in the last 24 hours.

If it continues on a northern trajectory it could feed into the Askja volcanic system, potentially triggering a large eruption.

Prof Bob White said: “It’s headed straight for it.”

But he cautioned that volcanoes were hard to predict.

“It’s moving at about 4km a day towards Askja, and if it keeps going it will get there in a few days,” he told BBC News.

“We know there is a lot of molten rock sitting under the ground beneath Askja, which is a major volcanic system. If this molten rock hits that, we know it is likely to trigger it to erupt.

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