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Watchman Headlines

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Watchman News Before Pearl Harbor, Japan’s Emperor Hirohito called plans to attack U.S. ‘self-destructive’

Before Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Emperor Hirohito criticized plans to go to war with the United States as “self-destructive,” and opposed an alliance with Nazi Germany, though he did little to try to stop the war that Japan waged in his name, according to the long-awaited official history of his reign released Tuesday.

The 12,000-page history of Japan’s emperor during the Second World War, which also shows him exalting at the victories of his armies in China, appears to contain little that will surprise historians, according to Japanese media descriptions of its contents. The most controversial aspect appears to be the fact that it took the Imperial Household Agency almost a quarter of a century to release its official history of Hirohito, who died in 1989 at age 87.

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