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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Watchman News Connected Home: A Next-Gen Botnet Army?

We are now in an era where technological advances have allowed us to be “connected” more than ever before. With the Internet of Things quickly emerging and making its way into our businesses and everyday personal lives, the opportunity to capitalize on this revolution is at our fingertips, but we are also broadening the cyber threat and attack landscape in leaps and bounds.

Internet-based home automation, like your nanny cams, remote thermostat programming, home monitoring and security kits, connected lighting products (and the list goes on), are revolutionizing how we manage the day-to-day. We’ve all seen the television commercials promising that we will never have to worry if we shut the garage door before leaving for work, or if the kids left the lights on all afternoon — it’s all at our fingertips, literally.

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