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Monday, October 27, 2014

TRUNEWS 10/27/14: Albert Shimkus & David Welch

Why is the U.S. Army quarantining American soldiers returning from West Africa, but the Ebola Obama Administration is adamant that U.S. state governments cannot quarantine passengers flying in from Ebola-Ground Zero countries?  Why is the Pentagon building Ebola isolation units to transport Ebola patients on military planes?  Will Ebola Obama dare to transport Ebola patients to the USA?  Where will he placed them?  Rick has a hunch!  Rick’s first guest is U.S. Navy War College Professor Albert Shimkus who discusses the possibility of Ebola as a biological weapon.  In Part 2, Texas Pastor David Welch discusses the outrageous court order by Houston’s mayor to force pastors to surrender their sermons about homosexuality to the city’s lawyers for review.  Welcome to the ObamaNation.

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