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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TRUNEWS radio broadcast for 11/25/14   “If you like it, share it!”

Special Guests: Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America and Harvey Organ, Gold & Silver Specialist



TRUNEWS host Rick Wiles talks with Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America about the impact that the Ferguson riots will have on our basic constitutional rights in the very near future. Later, precious metals blogger Harvey Organ calls in from Canada to discuss Google’s unexplained decision to remove his blog from the internet as well as why he believes China and Russia could be intentionally draining the Comex in order to cause a default in the west’s gold & silver Ponzi scheme.  







Larry Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for over 30 years. GOA is a national membership organization of 300,000 Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms.

GOA lobbies for the pro-gun position in Washington, D.C. and is involved in firearm issues in the states. GOA's work includes providing legal assistance to those involved in lawsuits with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the federal firearms law enforcement agency.

Pratt has appeared on numerous national radio and TV programs such as NBC's Today Show, CBS' Good Morning America, CNN's Crossfire and Larry King Live, Fox's Hannity and Colmes and many others. He has debated Congressman James Traficant, Jr. (D-OH), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Vice President Al Gore, among others. His columns have appeared in newspapers across the country.

He published a book, Armed People Victorious, in 1990 and was editor of a book, Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution & Militias, 1995. His latest book, On the Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty was published in 2001.

Pratt has held elective office in the state legislature of Virginia, serving in the House of Delegates. Pratt directs a number of other public interest organizations and serves as the Vice-Chairman of the American Institute for Cancer Research.


Rolling Stone recently featured Larry Pratt in an extensive article back on July 14th, 2014.


People that don’t like Larry Pratt:

Southern Poverty Law Center

Right Wing Watch


Larry Pratt has previously appeared on TRUNEWS on January 7th, 2013 and May 30th, 2014.




Harvey Organ is a leading expert in gold and silver markets.  His basic premise is that gold and silver assets are being shifted globally to three primary countries:  Russia, China and India.  He bases this thought on the deficit trading occurring in the gold and silver markets, and that most of the trading that is occurring is on leased assets.  He believes that there is an event in the near future where these countries will reveal the actual amount of gold they physically hold by proxy buyers, and that you will see spikes in gold of up to $500 a DAY.


Archive of Harvey Organ articles at Silver Doctors:

Archive of Harvey Organ articles at Max Keiser:

Great article on Harvey Organ from Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog


Harvey Organ has previously appeared on TRUNEWS on June 26th, 2014.




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Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick’s faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TRUNEWS into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. Rick’s professional career was in media marketing and advertising sales. Throughout his early years, God’s hand silently guided him to be in employed in the latest new media. While in his early 20’s, Rick’s first media job was with a new FM radio station in the days when AM was still king.


In 1980, he blazed a path as a pioneer in local cable television advertising when CNN and ESPN were new start-up channels on cable TV.  As a sales manager, he launched one of the first cable advertising interconnects in the nation.  He was hired in 1984 by the Christian Broadcasting Network as the first National Cable Marketing Manager for the new CBN Cable Network which later became the Family Channel.  In 1995, Paul F. Crouch hired Rick as the Marketing Director for Trinity Broadcasting Network where Rick repositioned the TBN brand inside the cable industry – and played an important role in negotiating the early contracts to launch TBN on DirecTV, DISH, and the former PrimeStar DBS systems.  Rick resigned from TBN in September 1998 after receiving a dramatic call from God to fulltime ministry.

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