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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

TRUNEWS radio broadcast 12/3/14: Arthur Blessitt "Bearing the Cross for Christ!"   "If you like it, share it!"

SPECIAL GUEST:  Arthur Blessitt







The man who carried the cross around the world in every nation and is listed in the Guinness World Records for the world's longest walk over 41,002 miles in '323 countries, islands, groups & territories' for 46 years. He first carried the cross 1968, and the very first day of the world crosswalk was December 25th, 1969 from Hollywood, California.

Arthur Blessitt is still walking and carrying the Cross around the world in 2014!


One of the Top Ten Incredible Travel Feats MSN​.ca Travel

Surely the toughest endurance exercise ever undertaken by The Independent Newspaper UK

World's Longest Walk Reaches 41,000 Miles on Christian Newswire

"The Cross" movie detailing the first forty years of Blessitt's journey


Brother Blessitt originally appeared on TRUNEWS on November 20, 2012.


From Arthur Blessitt:


"I want to ask a profound question. Who is controlling and regulating the world today: God, the Devil or human beings?


God must either rule or be ruled; sway or be swayed; accomplish His own will or be thwarted by his creation.


Who is governing this world of ours?


God rules or He is ruled. Either God has His way or people have their way.


Should you believe anything else other than that God is in control then you have no security or certainty in this life.


To do full justice to this question and subject would take a book or many books to discuss. I will not go there. My columns are a discussion of my personal beliefs and concepts for the Word of God to my life in this world today. It is my journey of following Jesus and sharing what He has and is teaching me about Himself.


One of the most fundamental beliefs of my life is that "God is in control'. That is what sets me free to go anywhere He leads and live in freedom and joy in a world gone mad. I do not trust in the wisdom of people but in the Truths of God revealed in His Word'¦ the Holy Bible.


In this word of almost total insecurity there is a message almost lost among many people. The concept that somehow we as humans are in control and making a mess of things is common. Many have reduced God to some sideline coach or co-pilot. We feel that the entire world of problems from our health to world wars rests on our own shoulders. The Kingdoms of God is viewed as something to come and not as a Kingdom already here and operating.


All I know is that as I study the Bible I see clearly that nothing is a surprise to God. God knows all things and rules over all people and kingdoms and nations and the heavenly hosts. He rises up people and nations and casts them down. Hundreds of times in the Old Testament of the Bible God is referred to as "The Lord of Hosts'! Host means multitude and it means that God is Lord or Ruler over all the earth and the heavens! Lord over all beings on earth or in the heavens, over humans and angels and any other beings He created.


This Glorious and Mighty and All powerful God is 'In Charge'! He is ruling over all the heavens and earth and over all beings seen or unseen. God loves you and me and cares for us. He is at work in the world through His witnesses and His church.


Just consider the many prophesies in the Holy Bible that have been fulfilled. All because God knows and is in charge and brings to pass His will and way.

I want you to relax and worship God and follow Jesus and live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Go into the world in the sure knowledge that Jesus "Is' with you. Fear not! Not one bird falls to the ground without the knowledge of God. Trust the Lord in all things. Even in the things you do not understand. Praise God He understands all and knows the reasons 'why'.


In this confusing and uncertain world you can be sure and certain in Jesus Christ our Lord and in knowing that God is ruling and reigning over all the earth. Glory! Glory! Glory!"



Fascinating Facts and Figures from Arthur Blessitt's Travels


This is the first cross to be carried around the world on foot and the longest journey in the history of the world. 

Length - 12 feet

Width - 6 feet

Thickness - 4" x 4"

Weight - 45 pounds

Tire - 12" inflatable

Average tire life - 2,000 miles

Miles carried the cross on foot - (Actual) Over 40,698 miles (65,497 Km.) 

Cross taken by boat - Estimated 20,000 miles

Air miles cross flown - Estimated 2,200,000

Miles cross carried on automobile(s) - Estimated 400,000 miles

Number of continents cross carried - Seven (North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, Australia and Antarctica)

Average shoe life - 500 miles until getting a resole. 

Longest walk in a day - 72 miles in 24 hours (with help); 47 miles (alone)

Longest walk (time wise) - Africa west to east; Mexico to Colombia (almost two years each) 

Number of different countries, island groups and territories cross carried -321

Times arrested or in jail - 24

Most apt country to be arrested in - USA

Most apt city to be arrested in - Hollywood, CA

Most beautiful countries - Norway, Switzerland, Greenland, Antarctica

Most peaceful places - American Samoa and Manos Island (both in the Pacific), Maldives

Most modern city - Perth, Australia and Hiroshima, Japan

Worst traffic - Lagos, Nigeria; Istanbul, Turkey; India and Bangkok, Thailand

Most angry toward the cross - Amsterdam, Holland and Tetouan, Morocco

Greatest welcome to the cross - Papua New Guinea, Poland, Spain, India, Lithuania, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Guatemala & West Africa

Friendliest Armies - Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Army

Coldest city (reception) to the cross - New York, USA; Montreal, Canada and Sydney, Australia

Hardest road to walk - Pan-American Highway. Mexico City to Panama

Toughest jungle to walk - The Darien Jungle, Panama to Columbia

Best road to walk - Holland

Worst auto accident - Turkey, Guam

Worst poverty - Chad; Mozambique, Djibouti, Ethiopia, India and Bangladesh

Worst war - Lebanon and Mozambique

Murder Capital of the World in 2010- Juarez, Mexico 

Most beautiful views - Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya/Tanzania; Mount Cameroon, Africa; Mount of Olives facing Jerusalem; Sea of Galilee, looking toward Mount Hermon; Mount Sinai; Norwegian Coastline; Antigua; Guatemala; a Swiss valley with lake and mountains beyond Tierra del Fuego (Chile); Penguins nesting in Antarctica; Icebergs in Greenland, and Bronzal Pass in the Hindu Kush - Pakistan-Afghanistan.

Most beautiful City - The city of Jerusalem

Smallest country (in size) cross carried - The Vatican City in Rome and Sovereign Knights of Malta

First step with cross - Hollywood, California early 1968

A few historical places and moments with the cross - Washington, D.C. 1970, 1980; Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany; the Coliseum in Rome; The Pantheon in Athens, Greece; the pyramids of Egypt; Cebu City in the Philippines at Magellan's Cross; carrying the cross across the Panama and Suez Canals; the cross at the top of the world's biggest pyramid in Cholula, Mexico; October 31, 1987 Hollywood, CA completed the distance around the world at the equator 24,901.55 miles; China Wall and Red Square, Moscow; Cross above the walls of Babylon; North Korea; Completed every nation and major island group June 13, 2008 Zanzibar in Indian Ocean; Cross carried back to Hollywood to Grauman's Chinese Theatre for the premiere of the movie "The Cross"; Lifting the cross up at second base at Yankee Stadium, New York in front of 40,000 people. Crossed 40,000 miles on foot at Whitehorse, Canada, June 25, 2012.

Highest mountain climbed with the cross - Mount Fuji, Japan (12,388 ft) Bronzal Pass, Pakistan-Afghanistan border (18,200 ft - 5,547 M.)

Deepest into the earth cross carried - Carlsbad New Mexico (850 feet)

Lowest point below sea level cross carried - Dead Sea (1,200 feet)

Worst cold weather - Golan Heights, Syria-Israel; Rome to Assisi, Italy; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Antarctica and Baltic Republics

Hottest temperature - Jordan Valley; Chad; Yemen, Iraq & Djibouti (135 degrees plus)

Coldest temperature - 20 degrees below in Nova Scotia, Canada

World's largest tree cross-carried to – 3,000 year old tree in Mexico (163' high, 163' around)

Worst food - Squid in ink in Spain, monkey leg in Africa, Rat Soup in Belize and Pork Soup for breakfast in USSR

Best food - Freshwater shrimp in El Salvador and fresh salmon in Finland

Longest fast - 40 days Washington D.C. 1970

Worst dog - Israeli Army dog in the Sinai Desert

Worst mosquitoes - The Amazon River and Greenland

Worst fast food - McDonald's, Yellowknife, N.W. Territories, while we ate, manager ran out front, grabbed my cross & rushed to the garbage container to throw it away as trash! July 3, 2012. No happy meal if you brought your cross :)

Best beds - St. James Club, London England; Livingstonia Beach Hotel, Malawi

Friendliest airline to the cross - Swiss Air

Highest cross has ever been - 60,000' on Concorde

Fastest the cross has ever flown - Mach II (1240 mph - twice the speed of sound on Concorde)

Longest time cross lost - one month (Alitalia Airlines)

Cross stolen - Christmas Day 1979, Assisi, Italy

Cross wheel stolen - Bordeaux, France

Cross overboard ship - Philippines

Cross in Space- A small cross cut from my cross was launched into space August 2, 2008 from the Marshall Islands reaching 134 miles (217km). May 22 - June 26, 2012 another cross from the cross orbited the earth by SpaceX.

Cross broken - Joplin, Missouri; Nigeria; Guam, Turkey

Worst storm at sea - Philippines and Papua New Guinea and The Drake Passage to Antarctica

Best road pets - El Salvador del Mundo (parrot), Central America; Basco (rabbit), Spain; Belfast (dog), Northern Ireland; Loretta (parrot) South Africa - USA; HRH Windsor (dog) U.S.

Biggest animal scares - Green Mamba snake in Ghana; baboon attack in Kenya; elephant chase in Tanzania; crocodile attack in Zimbabwe

Number of people prayed for, blessed or saved at the Cross - Many Millions but only God knows

Worst jail - Concord, New Hampshire

My Wife- Denise has been with the cross and me in 294 nations, island groups and territories 

A few memorable scares - Firing squad in Nicaragua: stoning and beating in Morocco; Civil Guardia attack in Spain; LAPD choking, Hollywood, California; pistol attack, Orlando, Florida; "to burn the cross," Birdseye, Indiana; man broke the cross, Nigeria; War in Lebanon crossing minefield, Belfast, Northern Ireland bomb blast.

Worst bed - The "Pig Hilton" (a pigpen in Columbia); a single narrow board at a blown up bus stop in the Golan Heights, Syria- Israel border area.

Biggest crowd preached to: Half a million, Atlanta Rock Festival, 1970; Washington for Jesus Rally, half a million-1980

Wars - Carried the cross in 54 countries at war


The cross has been turned away from being left overnight at more than half the churches requested, but has never been turned away from spending the night at a bar or nightclub in 45 years around the world.




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Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick's faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TRUNEWS into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. Rick's professional career was in media marketing and advertising sales. Throughout his early years, God's hand silently guided him to be in employed in the latest new media. While in his early 20's, Rick's first media job was with a new FM radio station in the days when AM was still king.


In 1980, he blazed a path as a pioneer in local cable television advertising when CNN and ESPN were new start-up channels on cable TV.  As a sales manager, he launched one of the first cable advertising interconnects in the nation.  He was hired in 1984 by the Christian Broadcasting Network as the first National Cable Marketing Manager for the new CBN Cable Network which later became the Family Channel.  In 1995, Paul F. Crouch hired Rick as the Marketing Director for Trinity Broadcasting Network where Rick repositioned the TBN brand inside the cable industry – and played an important role in negotiating the early contracts to launch TBN on DirecTV, DISH, and the former PrimeStar DBS systems.  Rick resigned from TBN in September 1998 after receiving a dramatic call from God to fulltime ministry.

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