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Friday, December 5, 2014

TRUNEWS radio broadcast 12/5/14: Dr. Matthew Watson & James Bailey   “If you like it, share it!”

SPECIAL GUEST:  Dr. Matthew Watson & James Bailey



Bristol University Earth Sciences Professor Dr. Matthew Watson tells Rick why he’s unsure about the wisdom of geoengineering the planet’s weather system.  In Part 2, Christian blogger James Bailey tells Rick about a disturbing dream in which he was shown a high-level plot to exterminate the American population. 







James Bailey is founder and moderator of, with the ‘Z’s standing for the following, according to Bailey:



At, our perspective of the world has been forever changed by our encounter with the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we are no longer interested in getting our news from sources that act like God does not exist or is not important enough to be mentioned. We are tired of the foolishness that gets presented as legitimate news coverage. The anti-God bigotry in our news media is wrong and misleading.


The Lord Jesus Christ said zeal for the house of God consumed Him. At, zeal for God consumes us because we see that the answer to every problem is found in Him. We are not interested in the liberal agenda or the conservative agenda because both have become godless ideologies. They are seeking for answers in all wrong places.


There is nothing wrong with having a political agenda as long as that agenda does not take priority over God. Matthew 6:33 says “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (being in right relationship with Him) then all of these things will be added to you.


At, we recognize that every good thing on the earth, every blessing, comes from God. So our agenda is to please God by openly acknowledging Him and giving Him the credit He deserves for all that He does. We believe God is at the center of everything, and everything revolves around Him.



News programs are filled with talking heads, arguing from the left and the right. But what good do they ever really accomplish? There is almost never any middle ground reached, no reconciliation between the two sides. Hard facts get presented but almost never convince anyone to give up any ground or abandon their position. So after a while, you have to wonder what it is really about. If it is about seeking the truth, then the facts would matter and people would concede some points and reach common ground. They would be able to reconcile some of their differences. If that has ever happened on any news program, I missed it!


At, we have no agenda other than the truth. The Lord Jesus Christ said He is the way, the truth, and the life. Since our number one goal is to please the one who is the truth, we are zealous for the truth. So if we discover new facts exposing areas where we are misinformed, we are quick to acknowledge it and adjust our position. We have no other agenda.



There is no nation that has enjoyed more freedom than America. But where did America’s freedom come from?


I often hear conservative leaders claiming that our freedom comes from our constitution and from our declaration of independence. But the men who wrote, signed, and risked their lives for those documents would disagree with that claim. They recognized that our freedom comes from God alone. In the declaration of independence, they called this fact “self-evident”, which means for any sensible person it is an obvious, indisputable fact.


We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


I have heard other leaders say America’s freedom could be spread around the world simply by setting up an American style of government in other countries. America has fought wars based on this mistaken idea. Our freedom does not come from our government. Government merely enforces freedom that comes from a right relationship with God.


The Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. The opposite is also true. Where the Spirit of the Lord is absent there is tyranny and bondage, which is the current condition of nearly every nation on earth. So where is the spirit of the Lord? He is present wherever people receive Him and live in right relationship with Him. God has not withheld his spirit from any person, but most of the world has rejected Him.


When God is removed from our society, there is nothing to stop godless people from trampling on our constitution, twisting it to say things that it does not say. When American style of government is established in other countries who do not know the one true God, freedom cannot survive.

Freedom does not come by adhering to the letter of the constitution, but to the spirit of it. Freedom does not come from the structure of our government, but from bowing our knees to the one who is over our government, the Lord God Almighty.


Freedom is a gift from God, given only to those who willingly choose to submit their lives to Him in obedience to all of His commandments. Those who reject Him will ultimately lose their freedom and go into bondage. Freedom cannot survive without God.


At, we are zealous for freedom. We have seen our freedoms eroding away as Americans have forgotten the God of our forefathers. We understand the connection between faith and freedom. So in defense of freedom, we boldly proclaim the truth of God as revealed in the Bible and we call on people to be reconciled to God and come into a right relationship with Him.




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Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick’s faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TRUNEWS into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. Rick’s professional career was in media marketing and advertising sales. Throughout his early years, God’s hand silently guided him to be in employed in the latest new media. While in his early 20’s, Rick’s first media job was with a new FM radio station in the days when AM was still king.


In 1980, he blazed a path as a pioneer in local cable television advertising when CNN and ESPN were new start-up channels on cable TV.  As a sales manager, he launched one of the first cable advertising interconnects in the nation.  He was hired in 1984 by the Christian Broadcasting Network as the first National Cable Marketing Manager for the new CBN Cable Network which later became the Family Channel.  In 1995, Paul F. Crouch hired Rick as the Marketing Director for Trinity Broadcasting Network where Rick repositioned the TBN brand inside the cable industry – and played an important role in negotiating the early contracts to launch TBN on DirecTV, DISH, and the former PrimeStar DBS systems.  Rick resigned from TBN in September 1998 after receiving a dramatic call from God to fulltime ministry.

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Keywords: rick wiles bible prophecy rapture endtime end times revelation beast Babylon whore Daniel vision radio broadcast Christian heaven forever eternity messiah second coming newscast trinity creed update Elijah Israel charisma protestant evangelical catholic fulfilled apocalypse America world prophet return jesus Christ online web youtube




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